I most responsibly claim that if the energy system is properly managed, Macedonia will not be dependent on imported electricity. Why? Because if a plan is made in time for the modernization of the production capacities as it existed 6,7,8,10 years ago in REK Bitola, Oslomej, or if the modernization of the hydro capacities, i.e. the power plants that produce electricity from water, including and all those projects that are a private initiative, including the capacity of a thermal power plant or known to the public as TE-TO Skopje, Macedonia will not be dependent on imports of electricity, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski on the “Open Studio” show.

If you have operational REK Bitola, the three units modernized as planned, if you have sufficient quantities of discovered coal, sufficient quantities of mined coal and deposited on a beam, ready for burning in the technological process of REK Bitola which will then produce electricity, they can comfortably produce about 600 megawatts. I won’t go further here, although according to the plan they were to produce 232.5 megawatts per bloc, they can surely produce 200 megawatts each, Mickoski concluded.

He pointed out that Oslomej in this condition as it is, with this potential it has, can produce from 80 to 100 megawatts. But it would stick to 80 megawatts. Although today, if you look at the balance of MEPSO, you can see that it does not produce more than 70 megawatts. Proper management of hydro potential can provide additional power and provide between 250 and 350 megawatts.