The Chamber of Commerce awarded Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski an award for building partnership and joint action for a prosperous Macedonia.

At today’s event on the occasion of 102 years of existence, the Chamber presented awards to businessmen in various categories.

As the president of the Chamber, Branko Azeski, said, Mickoski supported business even while he was in opposition.

For me, this is a great honor, but also a responsibility. These past first 30 days we leave our heart on the field to do something. We act patriotically, what is in the interest of the citizens is also our interest, we work dedicatedly, we do not save – Mickoski emphasized in his address to the audience, expressing his gratitude for the award.

We don’t want to play in the sixth league, we want in the first, the businessmen told Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski today. They also asked the Government to complete the team with experienced economists.

With the Government, we want to make the biggest investment, and we have the potential – emphasized the owner of IGM – Kavadarci, Ilija Gechev.

Prime Minister Mickoski, who listened to the requests and suggestions of the companies, said that transparency and accountability will be a priority for the Government.

Soon, he noted, citizens will be able to see how and for what the money is spent both at the national and local level through the website. – We intend to be your partner and help.

I want to assure you of that. Miracles are impossible, but we will do what we can within the framework of the Constitution and laws. Our interest is to develop the domestic economy – stressed Mickoski and called on the companies to apply for the 250 million euros provided by Hungary.

Today, Mickoski received an award for cooperation and dedication from the Chamber, which celebrates 102 years of existence.

At the event, in addition to businessmen – members of the Chamber, there are also the ministers of finance, energy, transport and communications and public administration.