Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced an investigation into the dire situation of the public coffers, which was assessed after the change of Government.

We have a disastrous situation in the public budget. It’s as if they made a budget meant to last just six months, and tried to leave as much problems as possible for my incoming Government. A billion denars were spent without backing, and upcoming outlays were not included in the budget. There will be a lot of work ahead for the prosecutors, Mickoski said in a Sitel TV interview.

The Prime Minister said that the employees of the national forestry company were left without salaries for the past four months, amounting to about 5 million EUR, and the irrigation workers are owed between 1 and 2 million EUR.

We lack 3.7 billion denars for farm subsidies, 1.2 billion are owed in fines because various ministers would redistribute public sector employees against the law, and they are now suing us, Mickoski said.

Regarding the loan agreed with Hungary, Mickoski said that at the moment, a loan of 500 million EUR will be sufficient and that the terms offered by Hungary are favorable. The loan will be distributed evenly between private businesses who will have to invest three times more than they collect as loan, and the municipalities who will be able to use the money for local infrastructure.