Macedonia should become an operational member of the European Union as soon as feasible, according to Antonio Tajani, the vice prime minister of Italy and minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation.In a joint press conference with Timcho Mutsunski, the minister of foreign affairs and trade, Tajani stated that his visit is not only ceremonial but also a clear signal of Italy’s commitment to hastening the Western Balkan countries’ EU membership.

We will meet the minister again in New York at the “Friends of the Western Balkans” meeting. It is an indication that Italy believes in the region and strongly supports it… North Macedonia is very important, a friendly country of Italy. We want to increase the presence of Italian entrepreneurs. Before I landed, I met with entrepreneurs who want to invest in North Macedonia and I told them that there are many opportunities for investment and that this government wants and will support investors, said Tijani.

Tijani also emphasized the presence of Macedonia in the NATO alliance and mutual economic cooperation, and announced a meeting to utilize the potential of Corridor 8.

We decide to organize a meeting for Corridor 8. We will see by the end of the year to open a discussion with North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Albania, in order to speed up the economic development and the development of the internal market, said Tijani.

Minister Mutsunski deemed the meeting especially significant, emphasising that it is the MFA’s first visit from Europe since he assumed office. This, he claimed, only serves to strengthen and validate the two nations’ already strong cooperation.

Mutsunski stated at the meeting that he had been guaranteed of Italy’s assistance as we move towards European Union membership and that he had stressed the need for stability on the path to European integration.