In the third installment of the “Adviser affair” story, the IRL has released three new names that are external advisers to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. A mysterious EU advisor, a TV host and songwriter and a journalist.

Poet, songwriter and TV host Gjorgi Kalajdziev is the first external advisor appointed by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The agreement was concluded one day after the formation of the Government on June 1, 2017. The 56-year-old Strumica man is the prime minister’s media adviser, and for his engagement, he receives 40,000 denars a month.

Ljupco Zafirovski is an associate for “Facilitating the process of RNM accession to the EU, helping to realize the strategic priorities and commitments of the Government in relation to Euro-Atlantic integrations”. This is the only information that the Government received for this Zaev’s adviser with a monthly fee of 1,200 euros.

The adviser who is one of the better-paid people could not be found on any social network, nor does his name appear on the Google search engine. We were looking for some work, analysis or statement related to the European Union, but there is no such thing, writes IRL.

They found him in a coffee shop in Skopje, but he did not want to talk. He asked questions to be sent on his email, but he has not replied.

Zaev’s payroll also includes a TV 24 journalist Ljubisa Stankovic. He is an associate for “Communication and Public Relations in the Process of Judicial Reform and Council Participation in Monitoring the Implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy (2017-2022)”.

Stankovic has been hired as the PR to Council of Judicial Reform since April last year. He receives a monthly fee of 30,000 denars. Stankovic was one of the fierce critics of the previous government, activist and participant in the “Colored Revolution”.