The Cair municipal authority is openly asking for bids for a construction company that will demolish the illegal built being erected on top of a burnt down cafe. Even for Cair standards, this illegal construction was seen as brazen and lawless, as it sits right on one of the busiest boulevards in downtown Skopje in front of the Mavrovka shopping mall.

There is still no definite confirmation who is building at the site where workers are already pouring the concrete for the second floor. The open air cafe was glassed in with light construction, and was target of an RPG attack and then a fire – likely arson – that destroyed it in full. Soon after the fire the area was walled off with construction planks and while the public believed it is being done to keep the smoldering ruins from public eye, soon it became clear that it is a quick developing illegal build.

Cair Mayor Visar Ganiu said that he will hire a construction company for the demolition of this and other illegal builds in the area. The situation became a test case of whether the city can act against the powerful developers, some of whom are openly violating the law. The municipality sent inspectors to serve orders that the build is demolished by the developer, but workers refused to accept them and would not disclose who they work for.