Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska said Thursday on TV Telma, that she expects the epidemiological picture to change with the reopening of kindergartens, the return of parents to work and the beginning of the school year on October 1 and did not rule out the possibility some of the decisions to change in November.

Carovska emphasizes that the Government is closely monitoring the situation with the coronavirus.

Every two weeks, decision are reviewed and made. Our state has shown that it knows how to deal with the situation. And I believe in the Commission for Infectious Diseases. Our health system was not burdened. That gives me the right to believe that the Commission makes good decisions, says Carovska.

She pointed out that in the countries where schools were opened for all children, they were quickly closed due to deteriorating epidemiological picture and she is satisfied that this scenario has been avoided in our country with the gradual opening of preschools and schools and the application of a combined model – in-person and online teaching.