Despite initial claims and denials, the Innovation Fund (FITR) today confirmed that it has hired Sara Aleksandrova, the daughter of member of Parliament Emilija Aleksandrova.

The mother was elected on the VMRO-DPMNE ticket, but was expelled from the party when she voted in favor of renaming Macedonia into “North” Macedonia. Aleksandrova was accused of doing this for lucrative reasons, while most of the other members of Parliament who did so were under criminal investigation and were clearly blackmailed by the Zaev regime. She denied reports that her daughter was hired in the controversial Innovation Fund, best known for giving grants to politically linked “innovators” and claimed that she is working there as a volunteer.

But today FITR confirmed that Aleksandrova has been a paid employee since July and receives an average monthly salary. She was hired without any work experience, the Lider news site reports.

FITR is frequently in the news for giving grants to companies linked to Government ministers, members of Parliament for the SDSM party, journalists who support SDSM, and most recently a company linked to the family of the outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Zaev himself.