As of this morning, Macedonia is facing eight active fires. The worst of them is on Serta mountain, between the villages of Dragoevo and Selce, south-west from Stip.

In the mountainous area of Caska, near Veles, there are three separate fires, and another in near-by Makedonski Brod. And firefighters are active near Gradsko, near Nebregovo and in the badly affected area of Badilen on the border with Bulgaria.
A police helicopter is active in Serta, and has dropped 40 tons of water in 26 fly-overs. Stip Mayor Ivan Jordanov says that firefighters are trying to cut barriers around the villages, but are facing difficult terrain. Over 140 soldiers were also sent to support the local firefighters.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski initiated the creation of a crisis team, that includes the top Government departments, the army, police and the Crisis Management Center.