After a criminal report was filed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs against one person, the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office Skopje issued an order to conduct an investigative procedure against the suspect for a crime – Murder under Article 123 paragraph 2 in connection with paragraph 1 point 4, crime – Murder under Article 123 in relation to Article 19 (attempted) and criminal offense – Unauthorized manufacture, possession, brokering and trading of weapons and explosive substances from Article 396 paragraph 3 in relation to paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

On August 20, with a “GLOK” 9mm pistol, which he possessed without a permit, the suspect deliberately and selfishly took the life of one person, after which he took a bag with a laptop from the victim’s wife and escaped in an Audi car without registration marks. A second “Citroen” vehicle with Belgian license plates arrived at the scene, from which an unknown person got out and took a box with hand tools from the trunk of the victim’s car and also drove away. The second suspect left the “Citroen” car in Gazi Baba and got into the “Audi” car, after which they continued to move, but were intercepted by police officers on “Stojna Stefkova” street. While the other person was driving, the suspect now got out of the passenger door and opened fire, trying to kill the officers who tried to stop him. The four police officers in self-defense fired several warning missiles in the air with their service weapons, then overpowered and detained the suspect. The other person ran away and they are looking for him, say the Prosecutor’s Office.