Greece banned Sotir Lukrovski, head of a Macedonian association from the area of Kostur, from entering the country. In a document in Serbian, Lukrovski was notified that he is not welcome to cross the border into Greece as he was trying to attend the large national gathering in Ovcarani, an event that has long been a thorn in Greece’s eye.

After 15 years of activism on the Aegean issue, my attempt to travel to Ovcarani was stopped on the border between Vardar and Aegean Macedonia. Without any explanation, I was notified that I’m not welcome to enter Greece, that cradle of democracy, in the next three years. This is a repeat of the oppression against my family, 76 years after my grandfathers, father and uncles were being murdered and expelled. My soul is dark, as I will likely never again see my village of V’mbel, just as my grandmother and grandfather did, Lukrovski said.