VMRO-DPMNE is the party that enjoys the highest level of public support and the citizens declared for change, said VMRO-DPMNE Secretary General Igor Janusev during a press conference today, after the outcome of the presidential elections on Sunday. VMRO candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova lost by some 60.000 votes, but only after nearly all other parties ganged up in support of the ruling coalition candidate Stevo Pendarovski.

Macedonia voted against crime, against the corruption and nepotism practiced by Zoran Zaev and SDSM. It voted against the fraudulent public procurement contracts, the arrogance and the failure to solve the most basic problems by the Government. Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova and VMRO-DPMNE won in 42 municipalities. If these were municipal elections we would have had 42 mayors today. If these were general elections, VMRO would’ve had the most mandates in Parliament, Janusev said.

Janusev added that, despite all the threats and attacks on the part of the state apparatus which supported the SDSM candidate, VMRO managed to improve on the results of the first round and gain 60.000 additional votes, for a total of 380.000. This is an improvement of 42.000 votes compared to the 2017 municipal elections.

Meanwhile, the SDSM – DUI coalition lost about 2/5 of their 2017 votes. The broad SDSM led coalition, which on top of DUI included 30 other smaller parties, and the tacit support of BESA and the Alliance of Albanians, won 435.000 votes – while in 2017 SDSM alone won 415.000 votes, which revealed the extent of the losses suffered by the now all-against-one grand coalition.