Corruption is a social evil that corrodes the legal system, the rule of law and is among the main reasons for the degradation of everyone’s quality of life, especially the youth. Corruption creates distrust in institutions and state organs. Macedonia regresses constantly, and during the SDSM/DUI rule three times fell under the 100th position by corruption perception, VMRO-DPMNE MP, Dragan Kovachki, stated on Sunday.

“If anyone had a dilemma about whether corruption has completely corroded society, Government’s response to the latest corruption affairs solves that dilemma. Vice-PM Grubi didn’t report his luxurious car, which was set on fire on Friday night, claiming it belonged to a friend. If it is true, how is it possible for it to have sound and light signalization, reserved for Government vehicles only? Or the young boy acquiring an attractive business center only because he has the right family name? That is the reason why people are emigrating”, Kovacki said.


