Lile Stefanova, a prosecutor from the Special Prosecutor’s Office, claims nothing is true in the tape published by the Italian La Verita.

I personally listened to the tape published today about the case that directly touches me. There is absolutely no truth, Stefanova told “Sloboden pecat”.

The name of the prosecutor Stefanova is mentioned in a new tape published this morning in the Italian newspaper “La Verita” as previously announced by journalist Laris Gaiser, in relation to the “Racket” case.

Yesterday, when the first tape published by La Verita came out, Stefanova stated that not only did she not know that such a tape existed, but also that she was shocked.

I expect the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime to completely clear the case. I will cooperate and share all the things I know, and now I cannot comment so as not to interfere in the investigation, said Stefanova.