VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski said at Monday’s rally in the municipality of Radovis that he does not make pacts with criminals and fraudsters and told Zaev that Macedonia will be cleared from criminals and fraudsters like those currently in power.

Many things depend on these local elections, all related to the future of our Macedonia, the choice is simple in these elections or corruption, crime, chaos, lack of justice, state stagnation, experiments in education, collapse and inhuman treatment of farmers, betrayals will resume or we will all together create a new, different, different and better future, said Mickoski.

He asked if the people are ready to give another four years to the same people who have already twice failed to live up to the expectations, made false promises and sunk in their power and arrogance, playing with corruption and the lives of citizens.

While 14 people were burning in Tetovo, Zaev the next day submitted the marijuana law to the Parliament to pass it and allow him family exports, there is no day without scandals, no scandal with a legal solution, the answer to this by the government is defocusing, and they, respected people from Radovis, want you to think that we are all the same, to think that without them there is no future, and in in reality they are the brake on our common future, says Mickoski.

All their promises were lies, so it will be now too. They have no credibility for work. They promised gas supply system for Radovis, 2 new kindergartens, playgrounds, a new multi-storey garage, a sports hall in Podares. And they did nothing. So it will be now. So do not trust them. We need to create a new future. A new future founded on hope and opportunities. Hope is the ability to see that there is light despite all the darkness, Mickoski said.