Let me first congratulate this great Christian Orthodox holiday, a great day for Orthodox Christians, which is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to wish harmony, health, lots of love, understanding for all our fellow citizens regardless of their religion.

This is the day when Orthodox Christians are among their loved ones in the circle of their family and it is a moment when we can say to each other what we have missed to say to each other in the past period, at the same time I want to congratulate the miners who are in the mining shafts day because this is also their day.

We started the day in Probishtip, we continue here in Makedonska Kamenica, traditionally we continue in Berovo, so I really expect that today we will have a nice day full of positive energy and good thoughts.

From here, from Makedonska Kamenica, I want to send a message, and that is that in the coming period we will have many challenges, in the coming period we will work hard, we will fight and in the end we will win. Macedonia will win, the citizens will win. 7 years of defeats were enough. We have finally started and we will continue to win no matter how much those retrograde forces who have been pulling the country back for the past 7 years want, but let’s leave politics for this great day, let’s focus on the spiritual and in that direction once again allow me to wish all our fellow citizens peace, harmony and health in their homes.”