Macedonia is our common home, let’s show common patriotism. Let’s not waste time, let’s finish the job, let the people have more money, and let the government have more responsibility. 2023 will be the year in which changes will experience their full force. There will be many projects, many smaller ones, and one big victory, says the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in his New Year’s message.

The passing year leaves its traces. Good and less good. Memories, after some good work, many emotions, and unfortunately also losses and challenges.

Incompetent government, lack of money, energy crisis, price increases. They traded with the national dignity, there is no justice, and peace is fragile.

They suffer defeats at every turn that are not your fault. Defeats that the government makes at your expense and in your name.

It’s too much! This must end.

We must all stand together, and step forward, the changes have begun and there is no going back. We have the right to a better future for our children. We will ensure that future.

Macedonia is our common home, let’s show common patriotism. Let’s not waste time, let’s finish the job, let the people have more money, and let the government have more responsibility.

Power should return to the people. It’s time. Let’s create a future we believe in. A future we deserve.

I strongly believe in you, believe in yourself too.

2023 will be the year in which changes will experience their full force. There will be many projects, many smaller ones, and one big win.

It will be better. Better times are coming.

Betrayals will fall, morality will return, and legality will prevail.
Dear friends, send the old one away and welcome the New Year 2023 in good company and mood, with the people you love and care about. Use the moments and give love, remember those who are not with you, and embrace those who are with you. Wish everyone good health, joy and happiness and try to do everything in your power to make as much goodness possible, reads Mickoski’s message.