Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said this afternoon that he expects the debt of the Health Insurance Fund (FZO) to be equal to zero by the end of next year.

Asked if the government plans to help somehow, since there is information that the FZO is in debt, Mickoski said that there are debts everywhere.

Debts are everywhere. They are counted in billions of denars. The situation with the FZO was a debt of five billion denars. You saw that in less than 100 days, in a little more than 80 days, with savings and good management, two billion denars out of those five billion were secured, to be returned the debt. I expect that this situation will be equal to zero by the end of next year, Mickoski answered a journalist’s question during the visit to the municipality of Kavadarci.

Prime Minister Mickoski also adds that with the rebalancing of the budget, one billion denars were provided, intended for the payment of K-15 to more than 83,000 employees in the public administration, although, as he said, they were not foreseen before.

We have secured more than 1.2 billion for payment to farmers. Old debts in addition to the regular ones, which they did not foresee. We ensured five billion denars in regular payment of pensioners’ pensions, which they did not anticipate. Plus, from October 1, pensioners will receive a one-time increase of two and a half thousand denars, which continues further and another two and a half thousand denars according to the Law of April 1 for March. Practically all the time, the promise we had of those five thousand denars in the first year, we realize in the first nine months, even earlier. I will remind you that it is very significant, especially here, that the employees of JSC “Water Management” and JSC “National Forests”, who had not been paid for months, received their salary. And here, from the rebalancing side, about half a billion denars were secured, Mickoski said.

The prime minister added that what was left must be repeated from time to time, in case “criminals from the former government” play that card and “again underestimate their own people”.

I will remind you that the Government’s account on June 24, which was the first working day, was minus two hundred million euros, that is, minus twelve billion denars. This has not happened to any government since Macedonia became independent. Even after the conflict in 2002, the account was positive, Mickoski emphasized.