Genuine European values are when a person is capable of providing for the dignified life of their compatriots, not the miserable actions of this incapable government, VMRO-DPMNE leader said on Thursday, responding to a reporter’s question about the Government’s announcement of higher prices for basic food products.

MIckoski stressed that the DUI/SDSM governing will be remembered not only for the national treason they committed, the crime, and the corruption but also for all the defeats they brought into the everyday life of all the citizens.

“This is not a government that will be remembered not only for the national treason they committed, the crime, and the corruption but also for all the defeats they brought into the citizens’ real lives, which are real problems for them. That is the reason why they must leave. There are many reasons why this government lost its credibility and legitimacy, and why we have to go to early elections as soon as possible. . A few months more won’t solve the problems, to the contrary, they will complicate them”, Mickoski explained.