VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski spoke at Tuesday’s press conference on the “Raket” case and referred also to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s call to hold a leaders’ meeting.

I see that Zaev calls for a leaders’ meeting on Friday, and I will say that I do not see the need for my presence at a meeting to discuss everything and it will be an alibi, while there will be no discussion of what the Republic of Macedonia needs today, a date for holding early parliamentary elections. This is because besides those stand-ups in the government despite the self-courage that Zaev says that he is ready to go to the polls, he himself is faced with his own fear of debacle in such elections, and then as I wrote in a column, you reap what you sow, said Mickoski.

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE reminded that he was the first to call the prime minister to discuss a date for elections.

That offer lasted for days, what was the response from the government? He rejected the offered hand and responded with the persecution of current and former VMRO-DPMNE officials. How can we have a meeting with such diametrically opposed views? I inform the public that working groups composed of VMRO-DPMNE and working groups proposed by SDSM are already working intensively on the SPO law even though the views are diametrically opposed. One of the red lines was Katica Janeva, we see she is no longer discussed today, said Mickoski.

I do not need to attend a meeting where it will be discussed about everything except for the most important thing, a date for early elections, added Mickoski.

Mickoski says that the government’s days are numbered and that they need to be careful of what they do.

We do not need theater for defocusing from the real issues, he said.