In order for Macedonia to continue on its European path, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski is confident that, through discussions and negotiations, regardless of the length of time involved, a compromise solution can be reached with Bulgaria. This is why full EU membership remains a strategic goal of his government, and he claims to have the support of the populace. According to the prime minister, Bulgaria specifically turned down the mediation offer made by Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary. He holds “corrupt politicians” and the previous administration accountable for the split of Albania’s access route from Macedonia’s due to the terrible deals they signed, which are now being demanded by NATO and Bulgaria.

If you look at the Prespa Agreement, it is conditional, it states that the constitutional amendments will be made, but they will become effective when the Greek parliament ratifies the accession protocol of Macedonia in NATO. Now do we want this pacta sunt servanda, let’s apply it to settle this question. The constitutional amendments will become effective when Bulgaria ratifies the accession agreement of Macedonia in the EU. But three corrupt politicians from here got together and signed, thinking that what they are doing here will be forgotten. We cannot have a policy of double standards. Either we will have a policy of clear principles and values ​​or it can’t be, it’s a bad message. And if we are sending a message that this is it, it is an ultimatum, these are not European values. European values ​​are to discuss and negotiate until a solution is reached, and that is exactly what my personal friend as well as Macedonia’s, Mr. Viktor Orban, offered. Here we are presiding over the Union, let’s sit down and talk, help as much as we can and I accepted, I showed constructiveness, I regret that the eastern neighbor did not accept us. I am available, wherever I go to talk. How necessary, for hours, days, weeks, to put everything on the table and solve this once and for all. But entering now into a process that does not guarantee us a successful end will not be naive and I will never surrender the expectations of the citizens, said Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski.

Mickoski claims that in contrast to the previous government’s compromises, there are currently politicians in Macedonia who do not bow down, stiffen their backs, or steal from their constituents. He stressed that he is not concerned about the country becoming isolated as a result of the constitutional modifications not being accepted, as over the last 100 days, he and the ministers have held several one-on-one meetings with leaders of EU member states and have declared that diplomatic efforts will not halt.

You will have to get used to Macedonian politicians who do not kneel, do not bend their spines and while robbing their people, sign contracts to the detriment of their people and their people. You have to get used to politicians who work for their people honestly and responsibly without humiliating and robbing them. And the focus of this government remains on the EU and fulfilling our second strategic goal, which is full membership within the EU. And believe today, in the eyes of many of the member states, in the eyes of the people who are now finishing their mandate, within the European Commission or the European Council, we are the ones who absolutely have arguments, and they are the ones who, unfortunately, have no arguments. It is not an argument, they are there, you are out, if you want you have to accept what they want. It is a diktat. I do not accept dictates in life and there is no price here. I do not accept dictates, threats, blackmail, whoever it is, there is no price here. Behind us are the citizens who voted for us in the elections and as long as they do not support the citizens, they will be our inspiration and we will work hard, every day to fulfill their expectations, the Prime Minister is determined.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski discussed the criticism the administration has received since Albania recently withdrew from the European integration processes in the exposé on the occasion of 100 days. He also mentioned the opposition’s attempt to place the blame on this government. He ensures that his government is accountable and would not do anything contradictory to the national interests and strategic directions of the citizenry.

This government will never make a single concession that will mean further humiliation and shame for Macedonian citizens, regardless of whether they are Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Vlachs, Roma, Bosniaks or others. You are the ones to whom we owe all this that we represent. Your interest is our command, and we will function as your servants. And we do not intend to ever give up on the idea, to give up on the fight because as long as we have your support and you are an inspiration, we will be better day by day. The second message is that, as a government, we will never deviate from the realization of our second strategic goal, which is full membership in the EU. And if necessary, we will talk with anyone, if necessary, we will talk as much as necessary in order to reach an agreement and a compromise that is worthy, that will not hurt the feelings of the Macedonian people, but also of the other peoples in this country. Be sure that both of these strategic goals can be realized, stressed Mickoski in the exposition on the occasion of 100 days of the government’s work.

He is determined that these two goals, the protection of the interests of Macedonian citizens and EU integration, are not in conflict and can be realized in parallel.