The position of the VMRO-DPMNE MPs and its coalition partners is unanimous, which means that this parliamentary Assembly lacks both, a mandate and democratic legitimacy to open or amend the Constitution, absent of prior confirmation of the solution by the citizens on general elections, VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Milosovski posited at the Wednesday press conference following his meeting with Manuel Sarazzen, Germany’s Special Envoy to Balkan.

“We also discussed the painful paradox of holding our discussions on the same premises and concurrently with a session of the Committee on European Issues where the European flag is abused to cover perhaps the largest corruption affair involving the contract that Vice-PM Artan Grubi and PM Kovacevski signed on the construction of several highway corridors. Another fact we shared is that 85% of the ethnic Macedonians are against such imposed solutions by forcing us to amend the Constitution”, Milosevski stated.