Emilija Dineva was the name of the woman who died in a traffic accident, and whose family agreed to donate her organs to patients in need. Her heart was transplanted into a 54 year old patient with serious heart disease, in the first heart transplant carried out in Macedonia.
Dineva died in a crash while she was driving her motorcycle to work in a restaurant in Dojran, where she lived.

She was full of life, she was enjoying her time with her family and friends, with her grandchild, said Dineva’s cousin Natasa Nakova.

Dineva was in a coma for four days after the accident. Nakova says that during this time the family made the decision to help others with Dineva’s heart, and also donate her kidneys. The act drew universal laudation, with thousands of citizens praising the decision that allowed three other people to have a chance at life.