VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski expects that his party will score its largest victory in the 4th electoral district, where he will lead the list. Nikoloski is expected to face former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce, who was handpicked by former SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev, to run in the district covering Prilep, Kavadarci and Zaev’s hometown of Strumica.

I began the campaign, and the mood is excellent. People are coming, expressing their support and I expect that VMRO-DPMNE will score its largest win in the 4th district. I expect a double victory, in the general elections, making Hristijan Mickoski the next Prime Minister, and in the presidential elections, with our candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, Nikoloski said, adding that the next Government has great plans for the region – only in Radovis, we are preparing an investment cycle of 10 to 12 million EUR over the next four years.

This plan, Nikoloski said, will cover all infrastructure needs of the mining city, including roads, water, healthcare and education.