The Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski, spoke in the show “Sleep if you can” on Alfa Television about whether communications are being monitored illegally in Macedonia and why the government is not taking any action.
Nikoloski added that while consent was previously required to record something, nowadays it is often done without consent.

“One such type of software was also developed in Macedonia by the Macedonian company “Sitrox.” It is precisely because of this that the company is on the USA’s blacklist,” emphasized Nikoloski.

He pointed out that the government has not initiated any investigation into this company and its software. The government has also not made any announcements related to this company to inform the public.

He even stated that the MPs have requested reports from four institutions, namely the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Security Agency, the Intelligence Agency, and the Military Intelligence, to determine whether communications are being illegally monitored in Macedonia and whether software is being produced for illegal communication monitoring.

We have not received a credible rebuttal to our suspicions that it is being monitored

,Nikoloski said
“We received four reports from the National Security Agency, the Intelligence Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, and Military Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Only the report from Military Intelligence and Counterintelligence was not classified. In that report, it was clearly stated that they do not possess such equipment. I must clarify that our doubts were not directed at this institution,” the Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE stated yesterday.