The “Cannabis – Zaev’s millions” scandal is gaining momentum. Today we will announce another name that has received a license and is very close to Zoran Zaev, VMRO-DPMNE’s Ruzica Nikolovska said at Wednesday’s press conference.

The company “Life Plant” from Strumica has obtained a license for cannabis cultivation. The owner of the company is a young character from Strumica Ivan Prodanov. Our information says that Ivan Prodanov is the boyfriend of Zoran Zaev’s daughter, Aleksandra Zaeva. So here we publicly ask Zoran Zaev, has his government granted a license to grow cannabis to his future son-in-law Ivan Prodanov, who is only 25 years old and has no serious business behind him? Also, given that the marijuana business needs millions of euros to invest in, we wonder if the Zaev family may be a sponsor of young Ivan Prodanov who is the future son-in-law of Zoran Zaev and whether the young Prodanov is just a cover for another business of Zoran Zaev? This is how the Zaev family works. Awarding licenses and tenders to themselves. If Zaev really did grant a cannabis license to his future son-in-law, the Anti-Corruption Commission and institutions will have a lot of work. Zaev needs to consider these things and think. That is why it is necessary for the citizens on April 12 to vote en masse for the fall of this Government of Zaev and SDSM. Zaev and SDSM are to blame for everything that is happening in the Republic of Macedonia, Nikolovska said.

After April 12, there is a renewal and revision of all these suspicious licenses issued by Zoran Zaev, adds Nikolovska.