Cleaning the crime and the corruption will be priority number one for the next government headed by VMRO-DPMNE, because in this one the crime reigns, and the corruption blossoms, which became the main reason why the country is degrading – VMRO-DPMNE Vice-Chair Aleksandar Nikolovski said on Thursday.

Nikolovski pointed out three things that are most harmful to the society. We can easily see the first one the Macedonian streets, everywhere around us and directly affects the future generations – cocaine. The cocaine is present on the streets as never before.

“The prices are so low and it is so available, that a teenager or a student can easily buy cocaine, instead of going to cinema, or a theatre. Such vast quantities can’t enter the country, or be so available on the streets, without permission from the highest authorities, especially in the Ministry of Interior and the Customs. The rumors that MoI employees are thee main organizers of the trade with cocaine. We shouldn’t be surprised, then, by the mafia style murders in the center of the capitol, because everything derives from the system”, Nikolovski said.

The second one is the corruption and the abuse of power. We are all aware that there not one SDSM or DUI official, from the lowest to the top, who doesn’t have a corruption affair attached to their name.

“We will have to conduct thorough investigations on all the abuses made the last 6 years, especially in the finance sector, to find then path of the money and return to the people as much as possible”, Nikolovski said.

The third one is the EU integration. Even if Macedonia starts the negotiation process tomorrow, in less than six months we will face a new blockade because of the high level of crime and corruption.

“Until Macedonia establishes a functional system of rule of law, 5-6 larger European countries will prevent Macedonia to move forward, because there is not one politician in Europe who wants to share thee table with a corrupted politician”, Nikolovski concluded.

Nikolovski also reminded that the shameful Prespa Agreement not only did not bring us the EU membership, but imposed three new tasks, none of which is completed.

“That is the reform of the administration, reform of the security services, and the third one is fight against the crime and the high levels of corruption. More than four years later, nothing significant has been achieved”, he said.