President Stevo Pendarovski wished happy Easter and to all Christian believers in the country who celebrate Easter according to the Gregorian calendar and sent a congratulation note to Dr. Kiro Stojanov, Bishop of Skopje and Eparch of Strumica and Skopje.

Let us, during these holidays, inspired by Christ’s victory over death, renew our faith and hope and are inspired to do good deeds and give unconditional love, said President Pendarovski.

Unfortunately, the president added, we are also celebrating this Easter facing numerous economic threats, still unhealed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we already have a fierce military conflict on our continent in which the most vulnerable suffer. In the 21st century, too, humanity is threatened by intolerance and hatred and finds no way to peacefully resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.

I hope that the light of Easter will be an incentive and inspiration for us to persevere and not to lose humanity and virtue in the struggle for existence. Let us reach out to all who are in need and need help, following the example of Jesus and learning from his words. said President Pendarovski.