If elections were held today, SDSM would not win even 10 percent of the votes, shows the latest poll conducted by IPIS.
According to the poll, VMRO-DPMNE would dominate the elections with 27.2 percent of the vote, while only 9.6 percent would go to SDSM. Additionally, more than a half of those polled have positive impressions from the first 100 days in office of the VMRO led Government.

SDSM is falling to the level of DUI, which is now vying to be the second largest party in Macedonia, with 8.5 percent of the vote, and is not far above VLEN either, with 7.8 percent.

SDSM and DUI blocked Macedonia on the path toward the European Union, promising something they had no idea how to implement. They made promises and signed treaties that complicated our relations with the neighbors, instead of solving the open issues, said VMRO-DPMNE in a statement issued following the release of the poll.