The ruling SDSM party will not support VMRO-DPMNE’s proposed declaration on Goce Delcev. VMRO asked the Parliament to declare Delcev a pivotal figure in Macedonian history, in light of the growing Bulgarian demands that Macedonia accepts the Bulgarian historic narrative.

Jovan Mitrevski, who heads the SDSM group in Parliament, held a press conference today to denounce the declaration.

Goce Delcev is one of the most significant Macedonian national heroes. We strongly promote his heritage. We have not deviated from this position an inch. The populist games VMRO-DPMNE plays with the work of our great Delcev are politicizing his vision. We, on the other hand, are building bridges and engaged in cultural competition to resolve all our open issues. That would have been  Delcev’s vision of the future and we will continue in this spirit, Mitrevski said.

His statement and the SDSM position on the issue redoubled concerns that the Zaev – Kovacevski regime is preparing for a new round of concessions toward Bulgaria. The Government already agreed to honor Delcev jointly with Bulgaria during the 150th anniversary of his birth that was celebrated last week.