The VLEN coalition, which is part of the VMRO-DPMNE led ruling coalition, to mark the 100 days of the forming of the Government, with which their rival DUI was sent in the opposition for only the second time since 2002.

We are faced with a destructive opposition that is criticizing without arguments every day, all in an attempt to destabilize and defocus the public, and to save itself from being held responsible. They still control the judiciary, unfortunately the Constitutional Court as well, and they are using it in their destabilizing processes, said Deputy Prime Minister Izet Mexhiti. The Constitutional Court recently banned hiring of ethnic minorities under the positive discrimination program, while the process is being investigated.

Mexhiti said that all who violated the law in the past will be held accountable, not through a process of revanchism, but in the name of justice – hinting at the long years of impunity that DUI officials have enjoyed.

Healthcare Minister Arben Taravari sent a video message at the gathering, from New York, where he is attending the UN General Assembly.

For 22 years every Albanian lived under the shadow of a corrupt clique. Nearly a quarter of a century we all endured injustices. DUI rules based on fear and built an empire of corrupt politicians. But the people turned their backs on them and now we are here, with our hearts full and our heads held high, said Taravari.