Expressions of support between representatives from VMRO-DPMNE and the Alliance of Albanians raise the prospects of a post-election coalition between the two opposition factions.

During a TV debate, AA official Arben Taravari said that he considers VMRO to be a fully reformed party and Ilija Dimovski from VMRO-DPMNE replied that AA has much to offer in terms of new policies. AA is currently having difficulty in putting together a pre-election coalition of opposition parties that represent ethnic Albanians as its talks with BESA have hit a snag. The Albanian parties were hoping to challenge DUI for the primacy among ethnic Albanian voters.

Meanwhile, VMRO is expected to win a large majority among ethnic Macedonians over SDSM and polls show it ahead overall as well, which would put the conservative party in a position to pick its Albanian coalition partner after the elections.