100 days of government of SDSM and DUI – arrogance towards the people, and instability of the economy, said VMRO-DPMNE as a reaction to the events with which the Government marks the 100 days in office.

For the past 100 days, the government has been arrogant with the people. The price of electricity has increased by 30%, and central heating by 15%. The people pay more expensive bills, all because the government is arrogant and did not listen to the experts and VMRO-DPMNE when giving solutions to the energy crisis. But also because of the crime in REK Bitola and the millions of euros in murky tenders. The government is incompetent and that is why the prices of flour, bread, oil, milk, fuels have all increased in the range from 70% to 100%. The government these 100 days, but also the past 5 years is incapable and because in the midst of the global food crisis, the produce of our farmers remains to rot in the fields because either there is no purchase or prices are low and unprofitable. These 100 days of government will be remembered also after the crime of Muhamed Zekiri who stole in front of Kovacevski, and Kovacevski defended him. 100 days of government mark 100 days of uncertainty. An attempt to cover up a murder, the theft of weapons from a police station and the theft of 2 million euros worth of marijuana oil. 100 days of SDSM and DUI, 100 days of arrogance, insolence and incompetence, said VMRO-DPMNE.