VMRO DPMNE calls for a mass protest tomorrow at 8 pm in front of the government building. Protest for change, because it is too much.

This will be a dignified, mass and peaceful protest. We ask for understanding from the citizens who due to this protest will be not be able to move along Blvd. Ilinden on the section from the Post Office to the traffic lights after the government building.

Дополнително информираме дека ќе биде овозможен еден пешачки коридор долж целата колона за слободно движење на граѓаните.

We additionally inform that a pedestrian corridor will be provided for free movement of citizens. At the same time, having in mind the criminal character of this government, we distance ourselves from any infiltration that is outside the already announced scenario which envisages unification of the people under the Macedonian flag.

Official symbols of the protest (flags, symbols, props) will be only the state flag of the Republic of Macedonia, the flags that are the symbols of the parts of the people living in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the party flags of VMRO-DPMNE and the Coalition for Renewal of Macedonia. and the symbols of the Euro-Atlantic organizations that are a strategic commitment of our country.