The government is hosting a formal academy today in honor of September 8, Independence Day, during which Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski will give a speech. The academy’s live feed is now underway:The state jazz orchestra will perform pieces by Macedonian composers relating to this issue, followed by a screening of the video clip “Vezilka” at the Solemn Academy, which features an original performance of the song by Blaže Koneski.

During the event, a specially produced unique video clip from the celebration of independence—which features historical footage from the 1991 Referendum—will also be displayed.

Hristijan Mickoski, the president of the government, will speak at the conclusion of the ceremonial program.

As previously announced by the government press office, the event is part of the broader initiative of the government to raise awareness of the importance of independence and the common struggle of citizens for a better future.
photo by MIA