The Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and his “best friend”, the Minister of Health Venko Filipce, started their visit to Prilep from the city stadium, where they arrived by helicopter. The “motorcycle riding buddies”, in the midst of the raging covid-pandemic, flew at the expense of the state while the hospitals are overwhelmed and people are begging for available hospital beds and oxygen.

And not only that. The health of the citizens is not important to them at all. They ride motorcycles while people are dying, and this time they are luxuriating in a helicopter at the expense of the state, while the people are suffering. To make a parallel, 310 people  died from the coronavirus in Prilep, and no helicopter flew to save any of them.

The MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, Petar Risteski was the first to publish the information on Facebook.