Speaking to the press in Lisbon two days before the end of the presidency, Portugal’s Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ana Paula Zacarias said that the debate was particularly difficult for Bulgaria, related to the history, cultural identity of the two countries. We must respect the Bulgarian position and we did that, she said without referring to our country’s language as Macedonian language, Bulgarian media reporter on Tuesday.

It is obviously related to the language of Macedonia, which was once part of the Bulgarian language and the cultural dimensions of both countries, the minister said.

Zacarias only briefly mentioned the Portuguese proposal as an opportunity to find a compromise between Skopje and Sofia, which was assessed by the Macedonian authorities as a good basis for further talks.

This is a very difficult debate, especially for Bulgaria, related to the history, cultural identity of the two countries, as well as future cooperation. At the moment, they are working on something as a roadmap that will help them work together and Bulgaria to have guarantees that when Macedonia joins the EU, things will be easier. Macedonia went through difficult negotiations with Greece – remember that it changed the name of the country. But it is very difficult, because it is also related to Bulgaria as culture and language. It is obviously related to the language of Macedonia, which was once part of the Bulgarian language and the cultural dimensions of both countries, she said.