A dozen of Macedonian football fan groups agreed to unite for the game against Kosovo on March 26. Vardar’s fans Komiti declared that they had a meeting with the often rival fans from Bitola, Prilep, Kavadarci, Tetovo, Veles, Gostivar… and decided to show up together at the important game that could help Macedonia qualify for its first ever European Championship.

We met in Tetovo where we agreed to create a joint initiative and support the historic game of Macedonia against Kosovo. We were joined by the Chkembari, Lozari, Vojvodi, Ribari, Majmuni, Patkari, Gemidzii Gostivar…, Komiti said, listing all the other fan groups that answered their call.

По денешната средба во Тетово известуваме дека се приклучуваме на заедничката иницијатива за поддршка на историскиот…

Gepostet von Komiti Skopje am Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020

A strong showing is also expected from ethnic Albanian football groups, who will support Kosovo. The game will be played at the Philip II stadium in Skopje and is seen as a high risk match. In recent years, a high profile murder of a Komiti fan by three Albanian Shverceri members and the rampage through the Macedonian National Theater added to the high tensions.