In the sixth round of the First Macedonian Football League (PMFL), Vardar secured a 1:0 victory against Tikvesh in Kavadarci. However, the Skopje-based team expressed strong dissatisfaction with the way the match was organized. Below is FC Vardar’s full statement:

“After yesterday’s match at the City Stadium in Kavadarci, we feel compelled to express our disgust at the manner in which the event was organized by the host, GFK Tikvesh.

The conditions to which our club members were exposed were nothing short of scandalous. Pyrotechnic devices, including cannon shots, were aimed directly at our bench with the intent to cause serious injury. Individuals without proper identification were allowed unrestricted access to the area around the field, engaging in constant provocations. Most alarming was the physical attack by Tikvesh supporters on members of FC Vardar’s management. This proves that many things were not functioning as they should during the match in Kavadarci.

Regrettably, despite these shocking incidents, GFK Tikvesh management failed to condemn the violence or distance themselves from the ‘hooligans’ who acted under the guise of certain local groups. The attack on our officials, who were seated in the stands designated for home fans, lasted for ten minutes—something unheard of before. This incident raises suspicions that the events may have been orchestrated, a possibility we are hesitant to believe, but cannot dismiss given what we witnessed.

In addition to the attacks on FC Vardar personnel, another disturbing event occurred near the end of the match when assistant referee Gotse Petreski was struck in the head by a hard object. This disgraceful act led the head referee, Aleksandar Stavrev, to rightfully call an end to the match, marking the conclusion of yet another shameful episode that tarnished the integrity and values on which football should be built.

Given these serious incidents, we urge the relevant authorities—the Football Federation of Macedonia (FFM) and the Ministry of the Interior—to act in accordance with the regulations and laws. We call for the strictest penalties against the organizers and all individuals involved, who allowed their personal frustrations over the defeat to cross the line into violence. Such behavior is unacceptable and must never be repeated,” the statement from FC Vardar concluded.