Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 23.06.21 | 23:36

Peter Szijjarto asks Bulgaria to allow Macedonia to begin its EU accession talks while the historic dispute is being resolved

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto visited Macedonia today, and issued a call for the opening of the long delayed EU accession talks that can run side by side with the historic negotiations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Szijjarto confirmed that the mood in Luxembourg yesterday was tense. Bulgaria...

Macedonia 23.06.21 | 17:21

Zaev blames EU for the Bulgarian veto, reveals his latest offer to Bulgaria on the national identity front

Zoran Zaev addressed his latest foreign policy humiliation today. At an event in Skopje, along with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama whose country was also stood out by the EU, Zaev laid the blame at the feet of the European leaders who promised him open doors if he rams through the name change. The...

Macedonia 23.06.21 | 12:32

Bulgaria wants Macedonia to renounce territorial and minority claims, remove monuments and rehabilitate victims of Communism

After the meeting of European foreign ministers in Luxembourg yesterday, Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister Rumen Aleksandrov stated his reasons why his country is vetoing Macedonia. We are open for a constructive dialogue during the Slovenian presidency of the European Council, to find mutually acceptable...

Macedonia 23.06.21 | 09:44

Pendarovski wants to get closer to the US, Dimitrov and Osmani say they will keep pushing for EU membership: regime officials respond to the latest EU veto

Zoran Zaev did not address the latest Bulgarian veto at the European Council, which blocked Macedonia from opening its EU accession talks, but some of his officials did come out yesterday with their comments. President Stevo Pendarovski said that Macedonia should not give up on pursuing EU membership,...

Macedonia 22.06.21 | 12:51

Bulgarian representatives in Brussels are under pressure from Germany, but are not lifting their veto against Macedonia

Foreign affairs ministers of the European Union had a heated debate until noon today, in which Bulgaria refused to budge and lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks, the MIA news agency is reporting from Brussels. The meeting is an introduction into the European Council, where Macedonia...

Macedonia 20.06.21 | 11:04

Zaev still hasn’t addressed media reports that he offered to declare that the Macedonian and the Bulgarian are the same language

Zoran Zaev has refused to address directly the reports in Bulgarian media outlets, that he was offering a new formula on the Macedonian language – under which it would be declared as the same language as the Bulgarian, just internationally recognized as separate from it. Zaev visited Sofia this...

Macedonia 20.06.21 | 10:02

Bulgarian Justice Minister says he will speed up the issuing of new citizenships, but also criticizes past abuses

Bulgarian interim Justice Minister Janaki Stoilov announced that he will speed up the procedure for applying for Bulgarian citizenship, while also reviewing the activities of the previous conservative Government in this regard. Bulgaria put in place a program for issuing citizenships to Macedonians and...

Macedonia 18.06.21 | 23:02

Despite his failure in Sofia, Zaev insists that he is restoring trust with Bulgaria

Following his visit to Bulgaria, Zoran Zaev issued a video claiming that he is “restoring trust between the Macedonian and the Bulgarian people”. The visit is largely seen as failure, since Zaev was unable to get Bulgaria to lift its veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks, even after...

Macedonia 18.06.21 | 10:23

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev needs to tell the public what are the new promises he made to Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE called on Zoran Zaev to appear before the public and to explain what new concessions he promised to Bulgaria during his visit to Sofia yesterday. Zaev hinted at amending the Macedonian Constitution to mention the Bulgarian minority along the other ethnic minorities, and also said that Macedonia...

Macedonia 17.06.21 | 17:33

Zaev promises to have the Bulgarian community listed in the Constitution

During his visit to Sofia, Zoran Zaev promised to amend the Constitution and add the Bulgarian community in the preamble, as well as to open Macedonian historic archives, in new gestures meant to placate Bulgaria, but this did not lead to a promise that Bulgaria will lift its veto. Bulgarian interim...

Macedonia 17.06.21 | 12:50

Mickoski: Zaev is about to accept all Bulgarian demands

Zoran Zaev will accept any and all demands from Bulgaria, he has no other accomplishment or skills in politics, all he can do is give away what is ours, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with Ohrid 1. Zaev is in Sofia today for talks with the Bulgarian leadership, in a last...

Macedonia 16.06.21 | 21:23

A day before his meeting with Zaev, Bulgarian Prime Minister Janev says there will be no compromise

Bulgarian interim Prime Minister Stefan Janev said that he is not in a position to make concessions or to compromise his position with regard to Macedonia, and that the country will not approve the EU negotiating framework with Macedonia in its current form. The comment comes a day ahead of the expected...

Macedonia 16.06.21 | 10:11

Foreign Minister Osmani expected to answer questions about the secret talks with Bulgaria before the Parliament

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is expected to appear before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Macedonian Parliament today, to answer questions on the negotiations with Bulgaria. The Zaev regime is engaged in secretive talks with Bulgaria, which is blocking Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Zoran...

Macedonia 15.06.21 | 15:14

Zaev turns pessimist: Little hope to resolve the dispute with Bulgaria before the European Council

Zoran Zaev acknowledged that the historic dispute with Bulgaria will likely not be resolved until June 22nd, when the European Council meets. Bulgaria is blocking the opening of accession talks with Macedonia and even if its politicians were inclined to make some kind of a deal, it does not currently...

Macedonia 13.06.21 | 22:15

Borisov warns of growing hatred between Bulgarians and Macedonians

Former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who instituted the policy of vetoing Macedonia in the EU until it agrees to make major concessions with its national identity and history, warned that the two nations are on the verge of beginning to hate each other. Borisov blamed his political opponent,...

Macedonia 12.06.21 | 21:27

Mickoski: Zaev created the problem with Bulgaria

Let it be known that Zaev fathered the problem with Bulgaria, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during the large conference of the party’s youth organization in Bitola today. Zaev signed a treaty with Bulgarian Prime Minister Borisov in 2017, which now serves as the basis for Bulgaria’s...

Macedonia 12.06.21 | 19:56

Leading historian refuses to be a part of Zaev’s deal with Bulgaria

Historian Dragi Georgiev, who leads the Macedonian side in the joint historic committee with Bulgaria, caused a new problem for Zoran Zaev in the run up to the European Council, as Zaev holds secret talks with Bulgaria. Georgiev spoke candidly about the collapse of the latest round of talks between the...

Macedonia 11.06.21 | 17:41

Macedonian and Bulgarian historians hold their last meeting ahead of the European Council

Macedonian and Bulgarian historians are holding a new round of talks – a third such meeting for this year. So far there are no report coming out of the meeting. Macedonian historians in the commission accepted a number of initial Bulgarian demands, but the talks began to collapse last year, as...

Macedonia 11.06.21 | 14:10

Angelov: Biden can’t exert any pressure, Bulgaria only protects its national interests

US President Joe Biden can’t exert any pressure on the talks between Macedonia and Bulgaria,  Bulgarian Ambassador to Macedonia, Angel Angelov said during Friday’s meetings with Bulgarian officials in Dojran. It is illusory for someone to exert pressure. Bulgaria is only protecting its national...

Macedonia 10.06.21 | 22:11

Protests will continue until Zaev reveals what he is negotiating with Bulgaria

Protesters were not discouraged by the rain to turn out in Skopje and in cities across Macedonia, to protest the expected new round of concessions which Zoran Zaev is promising to Bulgaria. In Zaev’s own Strumica, protesters blocked the intersection in front of Zaev’s Global shopping mall,...
