Tag: textbooks
Macedonia 01.09.24 | 18:54

After 7 years – all pupils will receive textbooks on the first day of school

Education Minister Vesna Janevska said that, for the first time in 7 years, all public school pupils will receive their textbooks on time, on the first day of school tomorrow. This includes a dozen elementary and a 100 high school textbooks that haven’t been printed at all in the past 7 years of...

Economy 11.09.23 | 17:00

The employees of the printing house commisioned to print the textbooks haven’t seen a salary in months

The employees of Napredok Printing House, which is engaged to print the delayed textbooks and which also prints the Macedonian Official Gazette, haven’t received their salaries for two months, which prevented the printing of the textbooks, the Union of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) informed...

Macedonia 11.09.23 | 14:20

Students still didn’t receive the textbooks after two weeks, this government destroyed entire generations

The students are without textbooks for a second week now. This government destroyed entire generations. Each year with SDS/DUI in power the students wait for their free and legally promised textbooks for several months. Instead of textbooks, each year they receive scripts, which they have to photocopy...

Macedonia 06.09.23 | 13:23

The government is incapable to print simple textbooks for three years now – something that this country did for decades

The DUI/SDS government wasted billions of euros of people’s money and they can’t even print simple textbooks! That is a deliberate destruction of the Macedonian educational system and the lives of generations of children. There must be criminal accountability for this. They didn’t even...

Macedonia 05.09.23 | 17:59

Education Ministry denies any blame for the lack of elementary school textbooks

The Education Ministry denies all blame for the chronic lack of textbooks – about a third of all textbooks that should have been distributed to elementary school students have not been printed on time. According to the Ministry, the long standing problem is actually the fault of the authors of...

Macedonia 05.09.23 | 13:25

Third year in a row there are no textbooks for the students, citizens demand criminal accountability

One of the many indicators of this government’s incompetence in all spheres of public life is the fact that three years in a row the students do not receive their legally guaranteed school textbooks. The parents will once again have to bear significant expenses for photocopying the textbooks, so...

Macedonia 29.08.23 | 13:04

VMRO-DPMNE: Another September 1 without textbooks

The government is not prepared for the start of the academic year – again. Another September first came without most of the necessary textbooks and learning aids, VMRO-DPMNE reacted on Tuesday. “Where do they spend the millions of euros allocated for this purpose, when each year the students...

Macedonia 13.06.23 | 08:40

The parents of the ethnic Albanian students rebelled against Macedonian names in the textbooks’ examples

The parents of the children who study in Albanian language revolted because in the new textbooks there are examples with Macedonian names, as Yane, Igor, Yovanka, etc., instead of Albanian names. They asked for an answer from the Minister f Education Jeton Shaqiri, who tried to appease the parents claiming...

Macedonia 29.05.23 | 19:19

Education Macedonian style: Textbooks for fifth graders arrived ten days before the end of the school year

On Monday, May 29, 11 days before the end of the school year, some fifth-grade students received their textbooks on Macedonian Language for the school year 2022/23! They will spend the last ten days studying from a textbook after they and their teachers had to improvise for the entire school year. On...

Macedonia 13.09.22 | 12:31

Union of high school students calls for a solution to the problem with lack of textbooks

The union of high school students through a statement expresses disappointment that even at the beginning of the 2022/23 school year, high school students face the well-known problem with the lack of textbooks and asks the institutions to solve the problem in order to have a smooth teaching process. This...

Macedonia 01.09.22 | 22:33

Janevska: If the government wanted to have textbooks, there was enough time for them to be printed

The question of why the education system cannot function is complex, but on top of all this is irresponsibility, disorganization, chaotic work, working according to the principle of today for tomorrow. At the same time, many other factors are involved here, such as tenders, the ability and inability...

Macedonia 01.09.22 | 09:30

Students return to school without textbooks, but with other printed materials

Around 255,000 elementary and high school students are starting the 2022/2023 school year today, in which, after two pandemic years, classes will start without anti-covid protocols and face masks. For the first, second, fourth and fifth grade students, new curricula have been prepared for the classes,...

Macedonia 14.08.22 | 11:29

Children should be given textbooks by law, but elementary school students in Macedonia will study from notebooks and copies

The curricula are ready, but the textbooks will be late for the first months of the school year. In the anonymous competition, some of the scripts were selected, but there are also those that have comments from the review committees and need to undergo certain changes/additions. After the author(s) have...

Macedonia 28.05.21 | 17:31

Parliament allows the collection of signatures for a referendum against the proposed digitalization of school textbooks

Two Parliament committees today approved the petition from parents of high-school students who oppose abolishing written textbooks. The parents will soon be able to begin collecting the 10,000 signatures needed to call a nation-wide referendum. The parents cite financial difficulties and lack of IT devices...

Macedonia 27.05.21 | 19:41

Education Minister Carovska invites the opposition – sort of – to work with her on the controversial digital platform

After weeks of ignoring demands from parents over her latest controversial set of proposals, Education Minister Mila Carovska today finally called on the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party to make suggestions regarding the proposal. Carovska is trying to end the use of printed textbooks and make the school...

Macedonia 26.05.21 | 11:31

Protests in 18 cities across the country: Textbooks for children education, not experiments by Carovska

Parents opposing Education Minister Carovska’s plan to abolish textbooks are holding Wednesday protests in 18 cities across the country. According to the announcements, the protests are scheduled in all cities at 6 pm in front of municipal buildings. A protest march will be held also in Skopje, which...

Macedonia 25.05.21 | 20:34

Parents opposing Education Minister Carovska’s plan to abolish textbooks collected the signatures needed to initiate a referendum

The initiative of parents who oppose Education Minister Mila Carovska’s plans to abolish school textbooks collected the initial 100 signatures needed for a referendum today, in a matter of hours. Organizer Dragana Spasevska said that their demands are not being heard by Minister Carovska, and that...

Macedonia 13.05.21 | 18:52

Parents and students will protest plan to digitilize textbooks on Saturday

An association of parents of high-school students is planning protests across the entire country on Saturday. Parents demand that Education Minister Mila Carovska gives up on her plan to make school textbooks digital. They fear that the proposal has little to do with actual education reform plans, but...

Macedonia 28.04.21 | 10:07

What is the real reason for not printing textbooks?

Mila Carovska remains deaf and more and more intensely and utterly stubbornly insists on the multitude of inappropriate solutions, which take the form of nonsense from the Concept for Reform in Primary Education. At the same time, Carovska in her performances only confirms the justification of the numerous...

Macedonia 27.04.21 | 12:06

Under public pressure: Bill on textbooks and other teaching and didactic materials in primary and secondary education withdrawn

After strong reactions from the public, the bill on textbooks and other teaching and didactic materials in primary and secondary education has been withdrawn from the parliamentary procedure yesterday,  VMRO-DPMNE MP, Antonio Milososki informed on Facebook.
