The Red Cross of the city of Skopje is implementing measures to protect citizens from the announced extreme temperatures by developing an action plan. This plan includes field activities designed to address heat waves based on previous experiences.

Mobile teams, consisting of doctors or paramedics, will circulate around the city, distributing water and flyers with tips on coping with the heat. They will also measure the blood pressure of citizens who express health concerns and provide transportation to medical facilities when necessary.

In the coming days, 20 volunteers from the Disaster Response Team will participate in these activities, with six vehicles patrolling the city center and bus stations. These activities will take place between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and will continue as needed, depending on the weather conditions.

Additionally, the Red Cross will address the health needs of the homeless by providing a contact phone number for reports of individuals affected by the heat wave. Financial support for these activities is provided by the State Lottery, ensuring more efficient execution of the planned measures.