While government COVID-19 socio-economic measures have mitigated the impact on extreme child poverty, more children are living below the average standard of living. Furthermore, disruptions to services in social protection and education and decreased demand in health services are putting children at further risk as the pandemic lingers, according to an updated analysis of social and economic effects on children.

A study conducted by Finance Think and UNICEF shows that, among other things, the pandemic, as well as distance learning, have significantly increased depression and anxiety in children. The most sensitive are those from the vulnerable categories of families, as well as those with special needs. Parents and teachers have divided opinions about online teaching.

The UNICEF representative in Skopje said that children are among the biggest victims of the pandemic, although they suffered the least from the Covid-19 disease.

Според истражувањето, 19.000 деца на територијата на Македонија живеат под прагот на сиромаштијата.

According to the study, 19,000 children on the territory of Macedonia live below the poverty line.