The prime ministers of Kosovo and Albania, Ramush Haradinaj and Edi Rama, have the highest salary compared to their counterparts in other countries in the region, the World Bank said in a report.

However, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has the lowest salary in the region. The prime ministers of Macedonia and Montenegro, Zoran Zaev and Dusko Markovic respectively, have a somewhat higher salary.

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Haradinaj, has the highest salary of 2,950 euros. Right after him, according to the amount of his monthly salary, is his Albanian counterpart Rama, with a salary of 1,700 euros. Albania and Kosovo have the lowest average monthly salaries in the Balkans, which are only five times lower than the prime minister salaries, according to Albanian media.

Serbian Prime Minister Brnabic has the lowest salary in the region, or 1,000 euros a month, while Macedonian Prime Minister Zaev has a monthly salary of 1,300 euros, and Montenegrin Prime Minister Markovic has a monthly income of 1,130 euros.

The average monthly salary in Montenegro is 751 euros, followed by Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.