It is not fair that the Serbs are being called into the war in Ukraine; it is not fair that we suffer because we accepted every person from the Russian Federation and because Russian is the mother tongue here and because we did not introduce sanctions, says Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, writes N1 Serbia.

Those who call for arms and war are just as dangerous to the country as those who say we should give up Kosovo. Those so-called patriots, voluntary donors of other people’s blood, none of whom volunteered to help with arms when things in Kosovo were difficult, did not volunteer to help somehow. They only criticized their country because their interests were affected. Those people are vile, said Vucic.

He pointed out that in the era of social media, lies and extreme views have the greatest support.

Speaking about the pressures on Serbia from abroad, primarily from the European Union, Vucic says that he is not afraid if Serbia is treated like Turkey.

They will not let anyone into the EU before Serbia, but I am afraid of the withdrawal of investments because the European investments from Russia were withdrawn very quickly, even though the investments in Russia were much larger, commented Vucic and repeated that after returning from Davos he expects a meeting with “the big four” because the European path is very important for Serbia.