Young people should be prioritized by decision-makers at both local and national levels, considering their needs and interests. With increasing youth emigration, it’s crucial for the state to take action to reverse this trend, as highlighted during the ‘Friend to the Youth – Youth Participation in Focus’ conference held by the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) in Skopje on International Youth Day, August 12.

Minister of Social Policy, Demography, and Youth, Fatmir Limani, emphasized that the 2024-2028 Government Work Program is centered on youth, focusing on education, skills development, and entrepreneurship. He stressed the importance of youth participation in decision-making to shape a sustainable future and recalled the 2020 law on youth participation, which guarantees their involvement in policy-making at both national and local levels.

NYCM President Filip Ivkovski pointed out that youth should not only be the focus on International Youth Day but should consistently be involved in decision-making processes. He noted the increasing dissatisfaction among young people, driving them to leave the country, and called for concrete policies to address this issue and prevent brain drain.

The conference was part of the ‘Youth-Inclusive Local Communities’ project, funded by the EU and implemented by NYCM and its partners.