VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski published a social media video in which he points to the failed economic promises from SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev. Zaev was presenting a pronounced rosy picture of the economy in the run up to the elections originally planned for mid April, only to declare a state of near catastrophe as soon as the coronavirus epidemic started and to call for major cuts in the public administration salaries.

There are money in the budget for everything we want. This is a year of the economy, our economy is glorious, we are giving others lessons, Zaev was declaring in early spring. The video then quickly cuts to his statements given soon afterwards. “Politicians sometimes must give bad news. The money is scarce. The hole in the budget will be 1,3 billion EUR. There is no money in the budget”.

Лагите на СДСМ пред избори

Зоран Заев и Владата ги лажат граѓаните дека добро се справуваат со кризата. Пари за поддршка нема, а долговите растат. Лагата е стил на однесување на СДСМ и овие луѓе. Сето она што го гледавме во претходните години, сега се повторува.

Gepostet von Hristijan Mickoski am Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020

VMRO-DPMNE showed how SDSM front-loaded the deficit spending planned for 2020 in the first several months of the year, planning to create an artificial bubble of prosperity ahead of the elections. This left the budget in an even worse shape than it would’ve been due to the coronavirus linked economic decline.