The Macedonian Diplomatic Union strongly condemns the statements made by Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, accusing the union of alleged “Albanophobia” or “Albanian hysteria” in response to the union’s call for the preservation of professional diplomatic standards within the Ministry.

The union asserts that they are, and will continue to be, the last bastion and mechanism for safeguarding the reputation and professional standards in the diplomatic service. They emphasize that their reactions are solely in response to violations of the Law on Foreign Affairs or highly contentious decisions. The union points out that since Osmani assumed office, over fifty ambassadors and consuls, as well as more than two hundred diplomats, have been appointed.

In light of these developments, the union raises concerns about whether the proposal to appoint a Consul General to New York complies with the Law on Foreign Affairs.

The Macedonian Diplomatic Union accused Minister Bujar Osmani of appointing a new Ministry of Foreign Affairs employee without a diplomatic title as a consul in New York.