DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti send letters to his political ally Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, to other leaders in Albania and Kosovo, as well as to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the leaders of Germany, France and the Secretary of State of the US.

In the letter, Ahmeti expresses his “deep concern” about the political developments in Macedonia, especially after the much criticized digital model for distributing public sector jobs along ethnic lines was quashed by the Constitutional Court.

Latest decisions include plans to abolish the law on the use of languages, the ban on self-determination of ethnicity in the state institutions and the formation of a ruling majority without fair representation of the ethnic communities and they are serious threats to the peace and stability of the country and the region as a whole, the former warlord who started the 2001 civil war writes in his letters.

Ahmeti’s DUI party was left out of the Government for only the second time since 2001, after DUI and its coalition partners won only narrowly more seats in Parliament then the VLEN coalition, which was eventually chosen by VMRO-DPMNE as its Albanian coalition partner.