Analyzes show that we are the second country in the region in terms of the number of coronavirus tests performed per 1 million inhabitants. We have enough tests to meet the needs of our country. This is an excellent result, not only for the number of tests, but also for the overall approach to identifying patients, their results and the clusters of infected persons. We currently have 4,500 tests, and reserves are replenished daily. We expect the donation of 20,000 test kits – which is enough for the needs of the total population in the country, the Minister of Health Venko Filipce boasted Saturday on Facebook, pointing out data from several countries.

However, the were a number of reactions to this. One was referring to Bulgaria, where, according to data released by Filipce, only 567 people were tested. In contrast, statistics in Bulgaria shows that 1418 people were tested per million inhabitants by April 1.

The remaining statistics per million inhabitants are not in favor of the country. One of them is the fact that there are too many deaths per one million inhabitants and that the country is at the top of this table.

Deaths per million inhabitants

Slovenia 11
Macedonia 8
Greece 7
Turkey 6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6
Albania 6
Serbia 5
Croatia 3
Montenegro 3
Bulgaria 2

According to the number of infected per million inhabitants, Macedonia comes immediately after Croatia with 232 infected

Infected  per million inhabitants

Slovenia 470
Montenegro 320
Turkey 284
Croatia 274
Macedonia 232
Bosnia and Herzegovina 190
Serbia 186
Greece 161
Albania 116
Bulgaria 72